Ambulatory Surgery Center

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Ambulatory Surgery Center

When considering cosmetic surgery, one of the most important elements to factor into your decision is where your procedure will be performed. At Rejuve Plastic Surgery, our plastic surgeons utilize state-of-the art facilities that house an on-site surgical center accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASF). The surgical center meets the highest level of accreditation (AAAASF, Level C) and is subject to annual reviews and renewal. Not only does this accreditation signify our operating rooms have met, and maintain, rigorous standards of excellence, it also conveys our ongoing dedication to upholding patient safety as a priority.

Equipped with the latest, most advanced surgical technologies, our facility enables our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Kirit Bhatt, to perform a comprehensive variety of facial, breast, and body procedures in a safe and effective manner.

Many of our cosmetic patients prefer the comfort of personalized care, and the privacy and safety of our center compared to hospitals or other surgical centers. Our entire experienced staff is warm and caring, and each member is devoted to ensuring your surgical experience is as comfortable and pleasant as possible throughout every step of your journey.

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M-F: 9am - 5pm

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